
sql 51

[HackerRank SQL] Weather Observation Station 11, 12(MySQL)

www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-11/problem Weather Observation Station 11 | HackerRank Query a list of CITY names not starting or ending with vowels. www.hackerrank.com Answer select distinct city from station where city not regexp '^[aeiou]' or city not regexp '[aeiou]$' www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-12/problem Weather Observation Station 12..

[HackerRank SQL] Weather Observation Station 9, 10(MySQL)

www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-9/problem Weather Observation Station 9 | HackerRank Query an alphabetically ordered list of CITY names not starting with vowels. www.hackerrank.com Answer select distinct city from station where city not regexp '^[aeiou]' ~로 시작하지 않는 것을 나타낼때는 'NOT'를 사용한다. www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-10/problem Weather Observa..

[HackerRank SQL] Weather Observation Station 7, 8(MySQL)

www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-7/problem Weather Observation Station 7 | HackerRank Query the list of CITY names ending with vowels (a, e, i, o, u) from STATION. www.hackerrank.com Answer select distinct city from station where city regexp '[aeiou]$' 정규표현식에서 ~로 끝나는 것을 나타내는 것은 '$'이다. www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-8/problem Weather Observation..

[HackerRank SQL] Weather Observation Station 5, 6(MySQL)

www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-5/problem Weather Observation Station 5 | HackerRank Write a query to print the shortest and longest length city name along with the length of the city names. www.hackerrank.com Answer select city, length(city) from station order by length(city), city limit 1; select city, length(city) from station order by length(city) desc, city limit 1..
